Forums - To those having trouble with the Japanese Ironman infinite setup Show all 23 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- To those having trouble with the Japanese Ironman infinite setup ( Posted by Nate X Grey on 07:16:2001 07:39 AM: To those having trouble with the Japanese Ironman infinite setup Ok guys, I was playing around with Ironman in training mode this morning, trying to get an easier way to do the infinite and find out why I miss some parts of it. Well... here's an explanation of how I did it, with one modification.,, sj lk XX air dash forward, immediately hold ub, lp, pause slightly, hp, land and start infinite. Problems that may be encountered: No sj -- You're doing it TOO FAST. I realized that this was my main problem. Just wait till you hear the hit THEN immediately motion for a sj. It WILL come out. Trust me. If you do it too slow, it won't come out either. BUT, the main problem people seem to have is the thought that "Oh fuck! I have to do this fast or it won't come out!" and proceeed to screw everything up. So just relax and look out for the Unibeam comes out instead -- Hehehe... that's why that lk is there instead of lp. NO MORE PESKY UNIBEAM PROBLEM! YEAH!!! Lp doesn't connect -- You hit the lk too early. The lk pushes them higher up, which means you actually have more time to hit the button after the sj as opposed to the lp. Just sj then lk and it'll work. You can't land and combo it fast enough - Pause longer in between hits so that Ironman lands soon after the hp connects. Remember... you MUST hold ub after the air dash to end it faster and make Ironman fall quicker. Note: You MUST hold ub after the air dash forward to make Ironman stay on the spot then drop. If you hold forward, Ironman will go under them and the u+hp will whiff. So basically, timing is sjlk, air dash forward then immediately hold ub(all this makes a short pause in between the lk and lp), lp, slight pause, hp(you're still holding ub right?). It worked very well for me. Hope it works for everyone too. No more pesky unibeam! YEAH! Posted by GeekBoy on 07:16:2001 08:01 AM: Just when I thought I got the setup too... Posted by Xecutioner on 07:16:2001 04:39 PM: intresting................. Posted by Sepehr on 07:16:2001 10:12 PM: Good idea replacing lp with lk. You do not have to hold UF. you do not have to hold anything, after you superjump and press lp just press PP XX lp,uHP. After the second lp if you wait for a second it is fine but you can cancel lp right into the Uhp, it will not create any problems. the only problem you might be facing is that you can not jump and do lp,lp,lk,uHp. YOu have to do lk,lp,lk,Uhp, land and do the rest of the infinity first just to bounce them up a bit. Everything else is fine. good job man. Posted by Pentium on 07:16:2001 10:22 PM: is their a difference between japanese and american infinites? Posted by dhalsim on 07:16:2001 11:51 PM: i will give that a try ^^ my prob is i lk mp then i try 2 super juump and it doesnt jump well maybe i need more practice Posted by GeekBoy on 07:16:2001 11:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by Pentium is their a difference between japanese and american infinites? No. Posted by dhalsim on 07:17:2001 12:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy No. we jus call it a jap setup cuz they made it up Posted by n817azn on 07:17:2001 01:52 AM: quote: Unibeam comes out instead -- Hehehe... that's why that lk is there instead of lp. NO MORE PESKY UNIBEAM PROBLEM! YEAH!!! Yea i thought of that a while ago too but i could never seem to get it to work, but since u said that it does i shall restart my efforts cuz the one with the lp is just too aggrevating. n8 Posted by GeekBoy on 07:17:2001 03:02 AM: The real solution for the Iron Man infinite setup: Triangle jump in with j.LK, j.LK, j.U + HK, land, (depending on how low the opponent is) infinite Posted by Red Spiral on 07:17:2001 03:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by Pentium is their a difference between japanese and american infinites? Actually yes. If you watch video #2 in the japanese match, you will see their version of the justin wong infinite, and their version of the cyclops infinite......This game has endless possibilities, and that cyclops infinite is pretty damn impressive. Posted by Psykik Jin on 07:17:2001 04:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by GeekBoy The real solution for the Iron Man infinite setup: Triangle jump in with j.LK, j.LK, j.U + HK, land, (depending on how low the opponent is) infinite Dose that really work cool Posted by GeekBoy on 07:17:2001 04:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by Psykik Jin Dose that really work cool Yeah, works the best next to an assist, IMO Posted by Twister on 07:17:2001 04:52 AM: the jump in lk, u+hk set up is REALLY hard to connect... not many people will fall for that one... and that damn c.lp,c.lp xx super jump, i've never gotten to work... is it worth it to practice even harder? and how coem the infinite stops when playing 1 player mode? that kinda made me upset and one more tid-bit... i've been trying to do that fk,sj.d+hp, xx dash thing, but i dont understand the timing on it, i know its not easy to explain timing but if you have a video or something i'd liek to see it Posted by GeekBoy on 07:17:2001 05:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by Twister the jump in lk, u+hk set up is REALLY hard to connect... not many people will fall for that one... and that damn c.lp,c.lp xx super jump, i've never gotten to work... is it worth it to practice even harder? and how coem the infinite stops when playing 1 player mode? that kinda made me upset and one more tid-bit... i've been trying to do that fk,sj.d+hp, xx dash thing, but i dont understand the timing on it, i know its not easy to explain timing but if you have a video or something i'd liek to see it It's easier to use rather than the launcher setup, and even if the roundhouse is deep, you can just do the, j.lp,, j.uf hp to bring 'em up because it's auto guard, computers like that do a neutral fierce instead, timing's less crucial Posted by Truedragon on 07:17:2001 05:52 AM: The real solution is, c.lp,c.lp,,super jump slightly forward and hit neutral hp on the way up,very short pause(depending on the characters size),airdash df,,.lk,uf.hp,land infinite. Ah shortcuts,making things easier, and using credit to buy what you can't afford. ah the American Way. Posted by GeekBoy on 07:17:2001 05:58 AM: If you do the DF Fierce, you have to airdash immediately and hit Short Posted by Nate X Grey on 07:17:2001 08:10 AM: Ok... forget that shitty method. I found an even EASIER way to do it!,, sj uf lk, air dash uf lp, pause slightly, u or ub+hp. The lk allows you to sj uf easily since there won't be that fucking unibeam. The air dash uf also means that you'll NEVER EVER go under them(another yeah!). Then just ub+hp. This is by far the easiest shit ever. Until I find another easier way to do... I'll be practising on this. Oh and by the way, if you guys wanna do the u+hk setup, try doing tri jump XX lk, u+hk. Leave out the mk. It usually pushes opponents too far for the u+hk to connect. Problem is that you have to wait a little after the tri jump for the u+hk to connect well. BUT!... One fucking big problem... does anyone realize that the u+hk WILL NOT hit a crouching Cable NO MATTER WHAT!?!?!!! WHAT THE FUCK!?!!! WHY!?!! WHY!?!! WHY?!!! On a side note, call Magneto beta then immediately hp throw with Ironman works on almost everyone I tried except Magneto. Posted by cheese_master on 07:17:2001 10:29 AM: If u all are wondering y peeps want to know to use the Japanese way rather than the American way. Simple... IM has a multi air hit triangle jump. So when u try the American way... a flying screen is initiated. But using the Japanese way... there is no worry about a flying screen. So if u can use the Japanese way... then u are virtually guaranteed a kill by land a hit off a triangle jump... while the American way... doesn't allow this... so a landing a triangle jump is not close to as effective as the Japanese way. There end of story so stop saying "but why do that when the launcher version is easier". I gave you the reason. Posted by dhalsim on 07:17:2001 08:13 PM: when i do the lk mp it wont jump i can do cables lk lk hk superjump ahvb but i cant get this can some 1pla help how do i make it jump Posted by BiGKeN on 07:18:2001 04:16 PM: GeekBoy The real solution for the Iron Man infinite setup: Triangle jump in with j.LK, j.LK, j.U + HK, land, (depending on how low the opponent is) infinite that does NOT work at all wat in the hell would even make u think that worked?? you talk and give advice like you know everything about everything, do you try things before you tell people them!?!?!?! before you post advice for people reread it and try it at least, cuz u post constantly and alot of the time its bad information l8rz SeXy Posted by Sepehr on 07:18:2001 08:38 PM: BiGKeN is right, what Geekboy said does not work. You could try to link, into, C.lp ... but if you just try to link, with Uhk, it will not work. Posted by GtXbY32 on 07:18:2001 10:34 PM: Re: To those having trouble with the Japanese Ironman infinite setup quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey Ok guys, I was playing around with Ironman in training mode this morning, trying to get an easier way to do the infinite and find out why I miss some parts of it. Well... here's an explanation of how I did it, with one modification.,, sj lk XX air dash forward, immediately hold ub, lp, pause slightly, hp, land and start infinite. Problems that may be encountered: No sj -- You're doing it TOO FAST. I realized that this was my main problem. Just wait till you hear the hit THEN immediately motion for a sj. It WILL come out. Trust me. If you do it too slow, it won't come out either. BUT, the main problem people seem to have is the thought that "Oh fuck! I have to do this fast or it won't come out!" and proceeed to screw everything up. So just relax and look out for the Unibeam comes out instead -- Hehehe... that's why that lk is there instead of lp. NO MORE PESKY UNIBEAM PROBLEM! YEAH!!! Lp doesn't connect -- You hit the lk too early. The lk pushes them higher up, which means you actually have more time to hit the button after the sj as opposed to the lp. Just sj then lk and it'll work. You can't land and combo it fast enough - Pause longer in between hits so that Ironman lands soon after the hp connects. Remember... you MUST hold ub after the air dash to end it faster and make Ironman fall quicker. Note: You MUST hold ub after the air dash forward to make Ironman stay on the spot then drop. If you hold forward, Ironman will go under them and the u+hp will whiff. So basically, timing is sjlk, air dash forward then immediately hold ub(all this makes a short pause in between the lk and lp), lp, slight pause, hp(you're still holding ub right?). It worked very well for me. Hope it works for everyone too. No more pesky unibeam! YEAH! i thought this was the REAL japanese set-up.... lol... ive been doing this the whole time... thats why i never understood ppl did unibeams All times are GMT. The time now is 09:17 PM. Show all 23 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.